There are different types of nano particles we use these days. These micro particles have really managed to make our tests and experiments accurate and very successful. While using them, we are able to receive accurate and fast result. Before to get the test result, we used to wait for days! But due to the use of the nano particles, instant and accurate test results can be obtained now. Magnetic silica nanoparticles are the ones that are used in great numbers for the RNA and DNA purification.

Popular due to their handy properties
These silica nano particles come with the magnetic properties and they are spherical in shape. So when you want to conduct the RNA and DNA purification with a higher level of accuracy and efficiency, you must use these silica nano particles. These nano particles are best known for their strong bonding ability. Due to this reason, they can come up with strong and very quick magnetic response. Due to this reason, during the isolation process, the time needed can be shortened easily for those magnetic steps.
Handy micro particles
Silica nanoparticles are also known as the silicon dioxide nano particles. These micro particles are best known for their certain beneficial properties such as very high thermal stability, low toxicity and biocompatibility. Apart from this the shape, porosity, size and crystalinity of these nano particles can be manipulated easily. Due to this reason, they have also become the first choice for many different applications. When these properties are combined and they are used in the right manner, the silica nano particles appear as the best choice for bio imaging, monitoring and detecting like works.