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Chemical Laboratory Mortar and Pestle Must be Made From Agate!

Kelly Clifford

As far as the mortar and pestle is concerned, this is a kind of tool that we mostly used to grind and crush something. At the kitchens you can even find these tools and they are used to crush spices and seeds. But here we are talking about the agate mortar and pestle which is commonly used at the laboratories to grind and crush the particles. The prime benefit of using this type of mortar and pestle is that you can have a great control on the grinding and crushing like activities. When you use the mortar and pestle that is made from a material like agate, there is always a chance to eliminate the contamination completely. This might be a big reason why the mortar and pestle made from agate like material is used at the laboratories and kitchens frequently. Some of the top kitchens in this world are also using this equipment to prepare the delicate paste and sauces while grinding different herbs and spices.

Chemical laborotary mortar and pestle

· Agate is preferred material

But when it comes to the mortar and pestle that is needed for the chemical laboratories, agate is considered as the prime material from which this equipment should be made of. The cleaning of the chemical laborotary mortar and pestle is also vital and for this you need to follow a particular process.

· Clean it properly

In order to clean this item, you need to use the warm water and scrub the product with nylon brush. Never use the brush that uses to have wires at its core to clean the mortar and pestle.

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