There are different applications used in the bioseparation and diagnostics like fields. And for these applications, the use of the polystyrene microparticles is must. These are the nano particles that offer a very flexible platform and that’s the reason why they are being used in such a great numbers for these applications. These nanoparticles can come with different coatings of recognition molecules such as peptides, antigens and antibodies. They can also get the covering hydrophobic dyes as well as other compounds. There are also some unmodified polymers that you can find in this segment which are used for the calibration and set up of the instruments. Non-functionalized or carboxyl polystyrene microparticles are used for a wide range of applications. They can also be used to calibrate the instruments that are used in the diagnostics like field. These nano particles are now available in a wide range of sizes. So, no matter what size of the polystyrene microparticles you are looking for, now you can avail them in the best price.

Plain nanoparticles are also available
There are some general or usual polystyrene microparticles, which are best on the use when it comes to protein adsorption. These nanoparticles can be used for a wide range of assays as well as diagnostic tests. Colloidal polystyrene nanoparticles 1μm can be availed now in the best price. These nanoparticles come in the best price and high quality ones.
Making processes smoother
There is a wide range of nanoparticles used for the industrial processes and laboratory applications these days. These are used to make such processes smoother, effective and safer.