There are different types of cuvettes used for different tests and experiments which are done at the laboratories these days. Cuvettes can be made from different materials such as plastic, glass and quartz. However, the quartz cuvettes have always managed to remain as the first choice when the works are done under the UV range. Ultraviolet light can be easily absorbed by the plastic and glass and due to this reason, you will not be able to receive accurate outcome when you are doing test under the UV range while taking the glass and plastic made cuvettes.

Never creates any kind of interference
As these materials used to absorb the UV light easily, they can create interference and that’s the reason why the cuvettes made from them are not the best choice for photometric tests. When there is visible range of light, the wavelength can remain very high. Due to this reason quartz cuvettes are mostly used so that accurate result can be found and no interference will occur. If you are looking for the ultraviolet quartz cells with PTFE screw caps and septa, then you have come to the right place.
Follow standard cleaning process to clean these cuvettes
In order to do the photometric measurements, there is always a need to use the clean cuvettes. Quartz cuvettes can be cleaned and can be reused. And this makes them more versatile types of cuvettes for sure. The UV fused quartz cuvettes use to have four different polished and clean windows. Due to this reason, they can help you get accurate photometric measurements. These cuvettes can be cleaned while following the standard cleaning process.